Competitive Soccer's Winter Soccer Clinic
Competitive Soccer has teamed up with Bullpen Baseball to utilize their indoor facilities this winter. We will be offering a Winter...

Middletown Soccer Club and Competitive Soccer = A Winning Team!
Middletown Soccer Club announced its partnership with Competitive Soccer today! For more information about this visit MSC's website at...

Competitive Soccer Clinic, Sign Up!
Competitive Soccer will be holding a TWO hour outdoor Fall tune up GK clinic, Monday August 24th, 2015 at Nut Swamp Elementary School...

New Competitive Soccer tee-shirts are here! Contact us to get yours, and look for a web store on our site soon.

Meet the Competitive Soccer Team
Competitive Soccer Trainer Rudy Crisostomo (right) can't wait to put his drills from Barca & Arsenal camp to work in the fall season. ...

New Beginnings, Same Competitive Edge
Competitive Soccer is excited to train, inspire and encourage your soccer abilities, giving you skills that will allow you and your teams...